
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Yoga therapy is only way to forever remain young, fit and happy!

Yoga is basically a tool to keep the body fit and prepare the mind for uplift of the spiritual aspect.

The fact is that yoga therapy was never intended as a means to check ailments. It works as a strengthening tool for the entire mind and body. Let's see how it functions:

Our body is like any other machine and needs overhauling and also rest. The best instance would be that of a car. Over stretching or overheating or even over-cooling of the machine will naturally enough lead to its breakdown.

The primary difference is that while the car needs external forces to keep it running in smooth condition, we have the power (the mind including the will-power and our determination) and the paraphernalia (yoga therapy and other exercise procedures) to constantly tune up our body.

Yoga is the ultimate tool that encompasses the therapy to refurbish both the power and the paraphernalia.

Another basic difference between the car and our selves is that many parts of the former need replacements (partial or total) after a certain fixed time gestation during which these parts are constantly used. However, yoga therapy provides the means to keep the different parts of our minds and bodies in perfect condition (without any replacements).

But, the fact remains that more often than not we do not pay adequate attention to many of these critically important portions of our body. We keep them functioning since the time we take shape within our mothers' wombs to the day we bid farewell to the world. But, we rarely initiate the deliberate steps to strengthen them or give them the much needed rest. Only when the different functioning parts including the brain (mind), each of the internal organs, the external manifestations called limbs and the joints are exercised. The sad aspect is that we either overstretch them or keep them idle; in other words we take them for granted. In the process, they get either over strained or become 'rusted'!

And, that's precisely the time we get afflicted by various ailments. Yoga therapy is the means to give rest to this machine constituted by the body (the machine and the outward element) and the mind (akin to the battery and the fuel injection paraphernalia in a car). Yoga therapy exercises even those organs located in the most internal portion within our body and those limbs located in areas we cannot usually reach.

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The Human Mind And The Yoga

The human mind, in his evolutionary trial, she has been illuminated by the light of the awareness producing systems whose end is the improvement of the human condition. They are the circumstances that, they sometimes determine the geographical position, where, such systems, are manifested more clearly to the world.

This way, the Yoga finds in India the historical position of his birth remaining, subsequently also imprisoned in the religious culture of this country.

This becomes conclusive to the goals of the researcher which, today it owes for strength to pass through the Indian culture to be able to understand the goal, and to use the techniques that go to form the system of "Liberation" denominated Yoga. And when it is said "liberation" he intends to tell liberation it represents, besides, the street to indissolubly free themselves from the cycle of the Samsara or the tied up rebirths to the distorted vision of the senses that prevents the dissolution of the union with the suffering and the logging the knowledge of the Itself indefeasible.

The Yoga word, belongs therefore to the spiritual world, and, sometimes, utopian Indian, even if the Yoga more ancient, some sustain, he didn't introduce any connotation type cultural or religious.
The ancient origin of the Yoga one is surely pre-air as they testify the archaeological findings of Harrappa and I will Mohenjodaro belonging city to the civilization of the valley of the Indo that precedes the development of Vedic India.

The Yoga one held classical, sees instead the light in the first centuries of ours, it was and one are considered of the six Darsanas or viewpoints, of the philosophical-religious thought Hindù whose codification, as all know, Patanjali is attributed to, compiler of the Yoga-sutra or Aphorisms of the Yoga of dating, happen as always when he is to contact with the Indian history, a great deal shaky.

As you is already said so many times, Yoga it is a word sanscrita that deriving from the radix of the verb Yuj points out the meeting record to yoke. Example: to yoke the oxen to the wagon. Its meaning grants to this system the role of discipline whereas you are thought about yoking the present instinctual personality in the human nature, to direct her and to finalize toward well taller purposes represented by other meanings, that we will see subsequently, attributable to the verb Yuj. The promoters of this discipline, initially train him, in circle psico-somatic, to yoke mind and body to get a perfect drive, working to depths levels toward a single idea.

They passes so to experiment a first feeling of harmonic aggregation that corresponds to a pleasant stadium in which the mind partly results reorganized. To return to the verb sanscrito Yuj, finds almost always suitable, as I told you, other meanings over the most intrinsic "to yoke" that I hold can represent steps precise and relative experiences of conscience as that above described tied up to the verb to unite or union if reported to the Yoga word.

A third interpretative proposal, note, is recognized in the word "amalgamation" that for the Yoga one it relatively represents the level of coscience of experience more advanced than, it usually follows the complete realization of the union psico-physics. In this stadium the subject after having taken meeting record of the existing dynamic interrelation among itself and what surrounds him, it also realizes strongly her as feeling. This is worth to make to fall the last resistances and contrariety toward aspects of the demonstration, naturally also toward the mens, feeling himself in amalgamation and to them legacy from something of commune.

It changes at this point her vision of the world. The words friend, hostile or indifferent they are replaced from favorable, unfavorable or neutral and, consequently introduces in him yourself more evident emotional stability. The memories, above all through the practice of the meditation, they also comes reorganize and stripped by the emotional aspect.

The heavy burden, that constitutes the depressing past in many cases, is loosened and the is often noticed to disappear some senses of guilt. The individual can start this way him toward a fourth stadium of realization that will bring him to seek the lasting joy and what is over the ordinary one or the transcendent one.

Along the street he could experiment the supreme peace, to know and to rest in the true essence of his being. Through a continuous meditation on the truth itself, that is pure eternal conscience and beyond of the psico-somatic complex and of the worldly oppressions he could reach the liberty.
In the full success of this phase the subject should return to integrate himself, or it would be reinstated better in the collectivity, he is thought I deprive of resistances, and with a clear vision of the reality.

To conclude this first party I have moreover to assert that the science of the Yoga one demands to teach a method that allows to achieve the complete union of the Itself, that is of the present spiritual reality in each of us with that general purpose whose constitution would be, according to a hypothesis of the ancient literature, reality, conscience, beatitude (Satchidananda).

This union would be the only true Yoga. The point from where he departs for this experience. A state of conscience in which the mystical ones propose him to meet and to know God. A route, perhaps to bashful, through which the produced one, for so to say, would return in the womb of the generated, rather surely melting himself in the same nature of this last losing his individual identity.

You can change your life starting Yoga, now: eBook of Basic Yoga

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