
Saturday, March 14, 2009

An Overview of the Yoga History

We may have been practicing yoga for quite some time now, but to understand it better we have to look further into its origins and roots. An overview on yoga history will help us appreciate the yoga tradition better. Although, some researchers say that yoga dated as early as the first Indian civilizations, there is no proof to this.

Yoga history has traces in some Indian religions. In Hinduism, Shamanism, Jainism and Buddhism yoga means spiritual discipline. The earliest sign of a yoga practice can be seen in Shamanism. Both yoga and shamanism has similar goals that focus on the effort to improve the state of body and mind. Another similarity they both have is that they try to improve the overall health conditions of each member. However, this does not mean that to practice yoga is to enter a new religion. Yoga is for all and is universal. No matter what are your beliefs, you can still practice yoga.

Yoga history has also left some solid clues or hints behind like artifacts and documents depicting yoga postures. After a careful study, researchers have found out that these items dates back in 3000 B.C.

In the oldest existing text, the Rig-veda, has evidences that it utilize some yoga principles. Rig-veda is compilation of hymns that include prayers for divine harmony and greater being. Rig-veda is the sacred scripture of Brahmanism that is the basis of present day Hinduism. It also contains the oldest known yogic teachings.

During the time of Brahmanism, the yoga practice is now widely used by Vedic people or Vedas followers. This is the clear part of the yoga history. Vedas followers rely on to dedicated Vedic Yogis to help them live in divine harmony.

Later on, practice for experiencing greater state of consciousness is improved by the traditions of Upanishads. During the 6th century B.C., a Buddhist prince studied yoga and achieved enlightenment at the age of 35. He is now known as Buddha or the enlightened one. At 5th century B.C., a yoga scripture was created and known as Bhagavad-Gita or the Lord's song. This scripture is dedicated entirely to yoga and includes some yoga history information that tells us that it has already been an ancient practice, even before the creation of the Bhagavad-Gita.

The creation of the Yoga Sutra marks the classical period of yoga history. It defines and standardizes classical yoga. From this, we can find eight underlying principles of yoga and these are:

- Yama
- Asanas
- Samadhi
- Niyama
- Samadhi
- Dhyana
- Pratyahara
- Pranayama

The writer of Yoga Sutra, Patanjali, focused on meditation setting aside asanas and so are his followers. It was later on that the balance between the body and mind has been rekindled.

During the post classical period of yoga, the 8 principles has been reduced to 5 and continued to be practiced by yoga followers. Up to this day, yoga continues to spread and develop not just in India but also throughout the world.

To learn more about yoga exercise mat, please visit Free Yoga Exercises.
This article is free for republishing
Cindy Heller is a professional writer.

Three Yoga Techniques to Suit your Exquisite Preference

Many people practicing yoga techniques had reached to the point where they are seeking more advanced yoga exercises. Most yoga sessions focus on the meditation and breathing exercises. These basic yoga techniques give emphasis on providing relaxation and flexibility to the body in order to attain beneficial health effects. There are other yoga techniques which exceeds the norm of the commonly used yoga postures namely Ashtanga yoga, Bikram Yoga and Kundalini yoga. The asana poses involved in these yoga practices require proper concentration and dedication to achieve mastery of the involved yoga techniques.

Ashtanga Yoga - Muscle Building Yoga Technique

This yoga technique is much different from other forms of yoga exercises. The asana postures to be performed in this yoga exercise focuses on enhancing the strength and endurance of the practitioner's body. The Ashtanga yoga technique is often restricted to those with proficient body status, due to the intensity involved in performing the difficult poses on this exercise. The yoga sessions for this yoga technique are often subjected to a fast pace of exercise procedures which would perfectly suit those people who are into building up their body's strength and stamina.

The level of difficulty offered by the Ashtanga yoga asana postures gave it the name "athlete's yoga". The yoga techniques to be performed in this type of exercise require hard work, constant practice and great concentration. This is a good choice for people who are physically fit.

Bikram Yoga - Heating while Bending Yoga Technique

This 90-minute yoga session involves flexing your body while inside a sweltering room. The training room for this yoga technique is preheated to at most 105 degree Fahrenheit and 40 percent humidity. For those people who are interested on this extraordinary yoga experience, preparation is very crucial to survive this yoga technique. Students of Bikram yoga sessions should follow important reminders before starting the yoga exercises. Due to the heated environment, this yoga technique regulates breathing and releases the body's fluids at faster rate compared to other yoga techniques. The extreme temperature applied with the constricting movements benefits the body's blood flow. This yoga technique is advisable to those who can endure heat while performing the asana postures.

Kundalini Yoga - Releasing Inner Body's Potential Yoga Technique

The postures involved in this yoga technique excite the endocrine and nervous system of the body. This is a very interesting type of yoga exercise since it gives serenity and ecstasy to the body if mastered. Kundalini yoga techniques compose of unique poses, meditation and chanting. The chanting is considered as the most crucial part of this yoga exercise. The chanting provides the practitioner to experience inner peace and at the same time enhancing the body's senses. Most Kundalini yoga sessions require the assistance of a professional guru. This yoga technique is an excellent choice for those who want to experience the soothing effect of concentrated meditation.

To learn more about yoga positions, please visit Free Yoga Exercises.
This article is free for republishing
Cindy Heller is a professional writer.