I am sure you are eager to know about Yoga history. Where was it practiced the first time, when, how and its evolution, all until it spread worldwide and is practiced everywhere and by millions of people of different sexes, ages, and races.
At first, we should know the meaning of the word Yoga. It is derived from the Sanskrit root Yog, and it means to bind or to join, as it unites the body, mind and soul.
Actually, there is no exact knowledge of its history. Experts estimated that Yoga's origin was around 5,000 years ago, and it was in India. There was uncertain evidence that its origin was in Afghanistan. However, it is certain that Yoga's origin was in the East. Archeologists excavated stone seals from the Indus valley with artifacts and evidence of Yoga existence on it, as they found figures of people doing different Yoga postures. This proves that people were practicing it in stone ages, and that its origin was in India. The Indus-Sarasvati civilization was the largest one those days, and was so modern in their times. In addition, there was evidence of Yoga in the Veda text (the oldest text used in the Indus times).
The Vedas are a collection of 1008 hymns that praises a higher power, they are on ethics, cosmology, philosophy, and science. They contain the oldest Yoga basics, techniques and rules. Therefore, we call it Vedic or Pre-classical Yoga. The Rig Veda is a sacred work by Hindu faith. Most of its myths personified the forces of nature. These times, people used to rely on rishis (Vedic Yogis) to teach them how to live in harmony.
The Aranyakas texts then followed, detailing rituals for Yogis living in the forest. This also served the beginning of India's medical tradition known as Ayurveda. Around 1900 B.C., the great Sarasvati River dried up, forcing the exodus of the Indus-Sarasvati civilization southward towards the Ganges River.
The Brahmins and Upanishads are spiritual texts, written around 600 to 800 B.C, and they were dealing with the rituals performed by Brahmin priests. The Brahmins is a text explaining the Vedic rituals and hymns.
The Bhagavad Gita (song of the blessed Lord), written around 300 B.C, is a spiritual poem on Yoga. The "Gita" is part of the eight chapters' epic called the Mahabharata. The Bhagavad Gita is a discourse delivered by Krishna (the Lord) to Arjuna (the hero) expounding on the goal of life. Between 200 and 800 B.C, Patanjali detailed all the knowledge about Yoga in 196 aphorisms (sutras). These sutras referred to as Raja Yoga. Patanjali is part of the classical Yoga, where they were still practicing thousands of yoga asanas. They considered Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is the authoritative text on classical yoga.
This was a hint about Yoga's history. It shows us how old it was, and how essential it was in old times. It also shows us that Yoga has a strong relationship with our lives, and it was there long time ago, may be since human beings exist on earth. As if, human beings cannot live without it. Actually, it is true, and you will never believe this except when you practice Yoga yourself, you will be like "How come I was living without that?" Yoga is the best way to live a normal and peaceful life.
Next, we should know about the Yoga evolution, far away from those old times and gradually to our times. We classify this into four stages, the pre-classical Yoga, the Classical Yoga, the Post-classical Yoga, and the modern Yoga.
Darren Williger is an over-caffeinated, low carbohydrate eating, yoga enthusiast who writes for CaffeineZone.com, LowCarbPages.com, and PrimeYoga.com.
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