
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Yoga Workouts to Help Digestion

Yoga is one of the ancient and reliable methods to lose weight and stay fit and healthy. Yogasanas or postures intend to gently work on your organs and help to maintain perfect balance between mind and body. Several asanas act subtly on the digestive system thereby eliminating the problems related to stomach. Many studies suggest that yoga is an ideal solution to many digestive problems. You can get rid of your digestive problems like acidity, acid reflux disease, and other digestive disorders in a natural way, without the use of medicines. Practicing yoga relaxes your mind and in turn reflects on the digestive system. You can see the results within a few weeks.

Among the important Yogasanas meant for digestive disorders, listed below are a few of them.

Yoga Mudrasana or Psychic Union Pose: You should sit in lotus pose or easy pose, sukhasana. While inhaling, take your hands to the backside of your body, raise your hands and hold the fingers tightly. Exhaling, bend your head and try to touch the ground with your forehead. Remain in this pose as long as you are comfortable. Relax and come to the starting point. Try to do it two to three times.

Benefits: Helps in relieving constipation, improves body metabolism.

Udarakarshanasana or Abdominal twist pose: first kneel and then you need to sit on your toes. Push the left knee towards ground. While exhaling, pass left hand over left knee, while you are holding the knee down. Now inhaling, pass your right hand over right knee and press it hard to the left. Exhaling, you need to look over your right shoulder. Inhaling, come to the starting position. You need to do it three times. Rest for a while and do the same procedure, with the other leg.

Benefits: This pose squeezes your stomach muscles and the blood flow to stomach increases. It helps to relieve constipation and other digestive problems.

Supta vajrasana or lying thunderbolt: Beginners can start with the other asana called matsyasan or fish pose. In this pose, inhale and sit on the heels. Exhale. Again while inhaling, lean back with the support of your hands, gently to the ground and rest your head on the ground. Your back and neck should not touch the floor. They will be in an arched position. Place your hands at the chest in a Namaste posture (Indian way of greeting, by joining your hands). Knees should touch the floor. Remain in this position as long as you can. Return to the start position. This is an advanced pose. If you have knee problems, you are not advised to do it.

Benefits: The abdominal stretch increases the body metabolism and helps digestion.

Breathing exercises: Apart from the above listed asanas, several breathing exercises that are a part of to yoga, benefit your digestive system. Slow and relaxed breathing helps to control your thoughts and de stress you. When you are calm and relaxed, the overall effect will be shown on your body's capacity of digestion as well.

Relaxation postures like shavaasan also help to control your thoughts, de stress your body and help you to maintain peace and stability.

Several reputed yoga teachers conduct classes. Many boot camps also offer yoga sessions once in a while.

Kya Cassiuss Victoria is a Sydney personal trainer. If you want to register with a Boot Camp Rushcutters Bay, visit Sydney Personal Trainer.

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